Friday, January 18, 2008

Goodbye... a God's send.

2. Because we live in an exponentially progressive world. Everything in life is developing at a rate that is in comoprehendable, including writting. New forms of writting, new stories, inspiration, all of it is linked. A writter who doesn't read is like food critic who doesn't eat. You have to know what your talking about.

3. I enjoyed the short stories, they were hands down the most fun. Especially when the class turned into " Intro To Drama" .... after creative writting the only times I'll be using it is for school. I plan to become a chef and there isn't much writting in that.

4. Coke
Lil' Wayne
Chipotle (BY FAR)
American Idol (MTV is whorish garbage... I'd have more fun exfixiating myself then watching that network.)
Dante (I wish it worked with my last name)
Well.. Mexico techincally is Central America, but if that doesn count, France, as soon as I graduate.
The Brave Little Toaster... I love that movie

5. Hell if I know.

1 comment:

robena said...

tyler it's not nice to bite people and i know you're excited about leaving this class. and dante sounds like a good name go make it work :]